Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Originally Reviewed: Cinder by Marissa Meyer (January 26, 2012)

New Cover or Old? Cinder’s sexy metal leg graces the cover again. Love the red slipper!

What I Thought Then: Cinder is a quick and engaging read that mixes the Cinderella fairytale with a future dystopian world filled with the threat of poverty, disease, and alien invasion.

Now, On Further Reflection: This is the first book of a quartet, and sometimes interest can wane in the time it takes for the next book to come out. That’s not the case here. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with Cinder, and the introduction of new character, Scarlet, for whom the book is named.

Book Club Pick? I think one of the most interesting things to explore here is the way the author chooses to update this very old story. Which elements stay the same? And which ideas and fears have morphed into something new. I would also be curious to see what changes other readers would have made, and if they agree with Meyer’s choices.

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