I have been heavy on reading and sampling books, but low on completing them, lately. In a shocking turn of events I have read 13 books this year (so far). By comparison, last year by the end of January I had read 22.
That being said, I have a lot of success with setting up a reading list at the for the month. Somehow, even though I don’t usually finish reading the books I’ve listed, I manage to stay focused and read more. I also just love making lists. It’s a little bit of an obsession.

Ponti by Sharlene Teo
One of the things that I like about being in book clubs exchanging reading recommendations at the meetings , and having the group pick books I have never heard. Ponti is one of those books. I’ve never heard of this author and the cover is not something I would have gravitated to on my own. However, the story looks (two teenagers, one friendless and the other very privileged become involved in a tense friendship) promising.
Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal
I’ve already read this book but that didn’t stop from suggesting it for my book club pick. Coming on the heels of reading Becoming by Michelle Obama, it seemed that we needed a lighter more romantic read. I love so many of the elements in this novel— the cultural practices around marriage and religion, food and clothing. While I probably won’t read the entire thing again, I will definitely flip through to refresh my memory, reread some key parts—probably right around the time that Darsee and Alys start to come to their senses and fall for one another.
The Care And Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Annisa Gray
Catherine from Gilmore Guide to Books really enjoyed this one. She was just on The Readerly Report where we discussed all the girls and women in book titles and she said it was justified in having “girl” in the title. It tells the story of three middle-aged sisters and what happens to their relationship when one of them (and her husband) lands herself in jail.
The Dreamers by Karen Walker Thompson
Sometimes I collect a few books by an author before I ever get a chance to read them. I liked the premise of Walker Thompson’s last book, The Age of Miracles and I found the premise of The Dreamers (a group of female college students set off an epidemic of a mysterious sleeping illness) to be similarly intriguing. Gayle and I are planning to discuss this as one of our book discussions on the podcast.
Woman 99 by Greer Macallister
In the last century ( not that I wouldn’t be surprised if things like this happened today) psychiatric hospitals and asylums were used to manage some troublesome and unruly women. Macallister’s novel tells the story of Charlotte and Phoebe, the daughters of wealthy parents who have committed Phoebe to an infamous asylum. Charlotte gets herself admitted as a patient so that she can find her sister, and along the way discovers secrets that powerful people would prefer to remain hidden.
Also This…
- Another of my 2019 reading lists. I’m halfway through this one.
- A list of all the books I’ve read this year.
- Pride & Prejudice in Pakistan things I loved.
Featured Image:
Photo by Brigitte Tohm