We are so excited to announce the first ever Readerly Report March Book Madness competition!
Here’s how this works:
It’s March, so we’re all thinking about bracket competitions, close calls and eliminations. We’ve started out the Readerly Report bracket with 16 books of fiction – each of which we’ve both read – and we’re going to be putting these books head to head while we whittle the 16 down to the best book that we’ve both read.
Over three episodes of the Readerly Report podcast, we’ll discuss the merits of the competing books and decide the victor. Here are the criteria by which we’re judging the books: 1) was it an engrossing reading experience all the way through?; 2) was the subject matter relevant and timely?; and 3) has the book held up over time since we read it, and do we think it will continue to do so?
We want to hear what you think! Please comment on the blog, Facebook, Facebook Group, Instagram, etc. and let us know if we got it right – or if you think we let the wrong books advance.
Here are the Round 1 Matchups:
The Girl On The Train vs Best Day Ever
Waiting For Eden vs. The Confusion Of Languages
The Leavers vs Everything Here Is Beautiful
That Kind Of Mother vs American Marriage
The Female Persuasion vs The Great Believers
Stay With Me vs The Stars Are Fire
Dept of Speculation vs American Housewife
To find out who makes it out of Round 1, listen to the podcast. (And don’t forget to leave us a rating!)