Books with the Character’s Name in the Title

Books with the Character's Name in the Title

In this episode, Nicole and Gayle have picked 10+ book recommendations where the main character’s name appears in the book’s title.


As always you can find below the whole booklist they run through during the episode:

Joan Is Okay by Weike Wang | Amazon | Bookshop

Spare by Prince Harry | Amazon | Bookshop

Maame by Jessica George | Amazon | Bookshop

Women Talking by Miriam Toews | Amazon | Bookshop


Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes | Amazon | Bookshop

Miss Jane by Brad Watson | Amazon | Bookshop

Zorrie by Laird Hunt | Amazon | Bookshop

Saving Ruby King by Catherine Adel West | Amazon | Bookshop

Jillian by Halle Butler | Amazon | Bookshop

My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell | Amazon | Bookshop

Mary B. by Katherine Chen | Amazon | Bookshop

Still Alice by Lisa Genova | Amazon | Bookshop

Adele by Leila Slimani | Amazon | Bookshop

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab | Amazon | Bookshop


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  1. Elisa wrote:

    I highly recommend “Margot” by Jillian Cantor which is what would have happened if Margot Frank – sister of Anne Frank escaped the Nazis. She tries to assimilate in Philadelphia and hide her true identity, which becomes much harder when The Diary of Anne Frank is published and everyone is talking about it. Excellent book club read. Enjoy!

    Posted 2.26.23 Reply