Looking Back at 2023
In this episode, Nicole and Gayle engage in a casual conversation reflecting on their experiences in 2023. They delve deeper into some of their favorite books, providing more insights. Towards the end, they shift gears to discuss the reading challenges they anticipate for 2024.

Gayle’s blog 2024 Reading Challenge: https://www.everydayiwritethebookblog.com/2024/01/2024-ediwtb-reading-challenge/
The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters | Amazon | Bookshop
Absolution by Ann McDermott | Amazon | Bookshop
The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton | Amazon | Bookshop
All That Is Mine I Carry With Me by William Landay | Amazon | Bookshop
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett | Amazon | Bookshop
Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano | Amazon | Bookshop
Pineapple Street by Jennifer Jackson | Amazon | Bookshop
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros | Amazon | Bookshop
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros | Amazon | Bookshop
Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang | Amazon | Bookshop
Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley | Amazon | Bookshop
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We’d love to hear from you at any and all places that you love to talk about books. You can find us at the spaces below.
Nicole Bonia: Nicole’s Website | Instagram|Goodreads
Gayle Weiswasser: Everyday I Write The Book Blog | Twitter | Facebook| Instagram | Goodreads
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If you have any questions or ideas for a podcast, email us! You can reach Nicole at nicole@nicolebonia.com, and you can reach Gayle at gweiswasser@gmail.com. As always, thanks for listening and happy reading
Thanks for recommending author Ron Rash. Am currently reading “Serena”—LOVE IT!
Don’t know if last comment went thru so am trying again….
Thanks for the recommendation of author Ron Rash. Am finishing “Serena”—wow!! Love it and will definitely try his other books. Which of his books would you recommend next?
Have you read any David Joy, a mentee of Ron Rash and fellow “redneck noir” writer from Wester Carolina University? Brutal, tough reads but really good!