Nicole & Gayle Catch Up
Welcome back, listeners! Nicole and Gayle are finally catching up after a brief hiatus due to illness and travel. In this episode, they share the books they’ve read or listened to over the past month. Join them for an engaging discussion as they reflect on their recent literary adventures.

One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware | Amazon | Bookshop
Zero Days by Ruth Ware | Amazon | Bookshop
The Hunter by Tana French | Amazon | Bookshop
Generations by Jean Twenge | Amazon | Bookshop
Troubled by Rob Henderson | Amazon | Bookshop
The Husbands by Holly Gramazio | Amazon | Bookshop
Victim by Andrew Boryga | Amazon | Bookshop
Mercury by Amy Jo Burns | Amazon | Bookshop
Shiner by Amy Jo Burns | Amazon | Bookshop
Sociopath by Patric Gagne | Amazon | Bookshop
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We’d love to hear from you at any and all places that you love to talk about books. You can find us at the spaces below.
Nicole Bonia: Nicole’s Website | Instagram|Goodreads
Gayle Weiswasser: Everyday I Write The Book Blog | Twitter | Facebook| Instagram | Goodreads
The Readerly Report: Facebook |Instagram | Join Our Facebook Group
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If you have any questions or ideas for a podcast, email us! You can reach Nicole at nicole@nicolebonia.com, and you can reach Gayle at gweiswasser@gmail.com. As always, thanks for listening and happy reading